A'Chard Server Information

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Get Connected

Server Name A'Chard
Server Address A-CHARD.DDNS.NET
Server Port 9000
Discord https://discord.gg/gmHfqt2J2D
Reserved WCID Range(WCID SHEET) 8080000 - 8089999

Server Configurations

Server Configurations
Setting Value
Account House Limit (1)
advanced_combat_pets true
allow_fast_chug true
aetheria_drop_rate 1.21
container_opener_name true
Connections per IP ADDRESS Limited to (8)
corpse_destroy_pyreals true
corpse_spam_limit 10
default_subscription_level 4(ToD Pre-Order)
fastbuff true
fellow_busy_no_recruit false
fellowship_even_share_level 50
house_per_char false
mansion_min_rank 3
max_chars_per_account 15
olthoi_play_disabled true
permit_corpse_all false
pk_server true
pk_server_safe_training_academy false
pk_respite_timer 300(Five Minutes)
rare_drop_rate_percent 0.04
reportbug_enabled true
show_ammo_buff true
show_aura_buff true
spellcast_recoil_queue true
summoning_killtask_multicredit_cap 2
taboo_table true
teleport_visibility_fix 1
updated_loot_system true
xp_modifier 1.21

Server Special Notes

  • A'Chard is to be pronounced "A-Shard"
  • Rare Crystals are dispelled when you engage in combat with a player NOT in your monarchy
  • House Rent is disabled until necessary
  • All players will receive ToD prepurchase item "Asheron's Benediction" upon char creation
  • Characters DO NOT experience burden until Level 51
  • Players drop corpses inside Colosseum
  • The Marketplace is an NPK zone to players Level =<200. Feel free to setup a trade bot there
  • Players level 200+ are PK tagged when they enter The Marketplace
  • Check AChard Commands for a list of custom player accessible command in game
  • For in game help, try the #help-assistance https://discord.gg/dmyEzsMbRy channel on Discord or shoot me DM on Discord and I will get back to you ASAP
  • Augmentation Gem pick-up timer has been lowered to (42) hours
  • Flagging for Sir Bellas has been removed
  • Buff Agents can be found in starter towns to help new players
  • The pick-up timer for Hero Token has been removed for custom content reasons

Server Rules

  • No Threats to other users of DDoS, Death, DoX, abuse, and other malicious threats
  • No circumventing of concurrent connection max limit
  • No place for racism here. It will not be tolerated
  • No place for Child Abuse here. It will not be tolerated
  • No flagrant name sniping or you may receive a name change
  • Cheating / Exploits will be dealt with dealt with appropriately
  • Use of abusive language in General or Trade chat may prompt the server-side process The Oracle to auto-gag your character if necessary
  • I WILL BAN ACCOUNTS for using the Blink plugin in my custom areas.
  • Reporting a game breaking issue to me will most likely result in a gratuitous reward

Character Name Change Policy

In order to change your character's name, you must meet the following requirements.

  • You are only allowed (1) name change per character(GUID).
  • You must agree that your name change will be of public record which is assessable to all players via the stats website.
  • You must NOT be the owner of a house. If you have a house, it must be dropped before the change.
  • The prior character's PK rankings will be converted to the new name; the shame will follow you.

The requirements for a name change may change at any time without notice!

Server Mission Statement

  • A'Chard will stay ONLINE for as long as possible.
  • It will move, it will migrate or upgrade,
  • It could possibility go OFFLINE for a few days or weeks, but the server will return as soon as it is possible if there is an outage.

This is a NO BULLSHIT server

There will be very little to nearly ZERO administration and general bullshit.

I don't have any playable characters on the server. I don't have time to play on any server.

I am the ONLY in game +Admin and developer/tester both server side and content wise.

This is a solo project out of love for the game Asheron's Call.

This is a slow moving, on-going side project.

I have a real life that requires lots of my time.
