Server Updates 05-2024

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Known Issues

  1. Fight Club rewards need love
  2. Fight Club match statistics are not completed yet
  3. Castel Ragako payouts need some work to adjust more slowly

PENDING Server and Content Updates

PENDING Server Changes

  1. SERVER: UPDATED: Removed FFA event from Fight Club
  2. SERVER: UPDATED: Fight Club now winner(s) of 1v1 or 2v2 now have a 10% chance to be rewarded a (1) Fight Club Cache Key
  3. SERVER: UPDATED: Fight Club now rewards 20k Luminance for the winner(s) of 1v1 or 2v2
  4. SERVER: UPDATED: Fight Club now winner(s) of 1v1 or 2v2 now have a 10% chance to be rewarded a (1) Death Certificate
  5. SERVER: UPDATED: Fight Club no longer tries to reward the looser(s) of 1v1 or 2v2 jack or shit. wtf Doctide(participation trophies, and you get a star, and you get a star, and you...)
  6. SERVER: UPDATED: Fight Club no longer tries to reward Phial of Bloody Tears as a reward
  7. SERVER: UPDATED: Players marked as META are no longer allowed to issue Fight Club requests
  8. SERVER: UPDATED: A new player command @ChangeName has been added to allow players who meet the requirements initiate a name change without my intervention.
  9. SERVER: UPDATED: Players who are ranked 1-10 no longer receive a PK Trophy Drop timer. You will immediately be able to drop a PK trophy AND lose more rank on the next death until marked META(LS broken macro camping)
  10. SERVER: UPDATED: Resolved issue with counting Top(10) when a ranked kill occurs, the code was missing players ranked #10....
  11. SERVER: UPDATED: The player command @Castle now displays the current POP[x] and KPH[x]
  12. SERVER: UPDATED: Added server option minimum_portalspace_seconds to configure the minimum number of seconds a player must be in portal space before exiting to the world
  13. SERVER: UPDATED: Castle Ragako double reward payouts will now require Ranked kills per hour to match or exceed ragako_double_rewards_kph_req which is currently set to (6) as a starting point
  14. SERVER: UPDATED: Added server option ragako_double_rewards_kph_req to configure Castle Ragako double payouts based on ranked PK kills per hour[KPH]
  15. SERVER: UPDATED: Added server option ragako_double_rewards_pop_req to configure Castle Ragako double payouts based on population
  16. SERVER: UPDATED: Added server option to disable [META] kill announcements to the World if necessary (bot war)
  17. SERVER: UPDATED: Fight Club will no longer World Broadcast an observer invite when observer mode is disabled
  18. SERVER: UPDATED: Added new server-side code for handing the spawns and deaths of Boss Titans
  19. SERVER: UPDATED: Fixed many typos and discord message issues for the Castle Ragako event status
  20. SERVER: UPDATED: Fixed TypO in the Castle Ragako Respite discord message

PENDING Content Changes

  1. CONTENT: ADDED: Fight Club Cache Key
  2. CONTENT: UPDATED: The majority of the spawns on Pardis Island, not just around Castle Ragako have received a major overhaul
  3. CONTENT: ADDED: Cart Titan Spine
  4. CONTENT: ADDED: Several new Boss Titans will now spawn on Pardis Island -->>

APPLIED Server and Content Changes

  • 05-05-2024.01 SERVER: UPDATED: Server was restarted for maintenance