Shard3d Server Information
Get Connected
Server Name | Shard3d |
Server Address | XXX |
Server Port | 9010 |
Discord | |
Reserved WCID Range(WCID SHEET) | 8080000 - 8089999 |
Server Configurations
Setting | Value |
advanced_combat_pets | true |
allow_fast_chug | true |
aetheria_drop_rate | 1.5 |
chat_requires_player_age | 35 |
chat_requires_account_time_seconds | (1) hour |
chat_requires_player_age | (1) hour |
connections per IP Addresses | Limited to (3) |
corpse_destroy_pyreals | true |
corpse_spam_limit | 10 |
default_subscription_level | 1(retail standard subscription) |
fastbuff | true |
mansion_min_rank | 3 |
max_chars_per_account | 10 |
vitae_penalty_max | 0.8 |
olthoi_play_disabled | true |
pk_server_safe_training_academy | false |
quest_info_enabled | true |
rare_drop_rate_percent | 0.02 |
show_dot_messages | true |
show_first_login_gift | true |
suicide_instant_death | true |
teleport_visibility_fix | 3 |
Server Special Notes
- 42.8%(107) of Retail landscape Lifestones have been removed from the world reducing the amount of lifestones available from (1) every 2.0 miles to (1) every 3.50 Miles Shard3d_Destroyed_Lifestones
- Augmentation Gem pick-up timer has been lowered to (42) hours
- Buff Agents can be found in starter towns to help new players with free buffs
- Character login "forced" materialization enabled on server
- Characters don't experience burden until Level 31
- Characters level 31+ are PK tagged when they enter The Marketplace
- Characters drop corpses inside Colosseum to deter rare farming
- Characters who attempt to logout with a target in the area are PK tagged and delayed logoff
- Check AChard Commands for a list of custom player accessible command in game
- Chimeric Eye of the Quiddity adjusted
- Connections per IP Addresses Limited to (3)
- Corrupted Essence are stackable
- Derethian Combat Arena Master requires Death Certificates for entry
- Eater jaw not required to enter the Augmentation Realm
- Flagging for Sir Bellas has been removed
- Gauntlet Arena entry portal no longer checks players for rare items
- Green Society Band upgraded to include **Legendary Two-Handed Combat Aptitude**
- Hero Token has been removed for custom content reasons
- House barriers are OFF
- House Purchase and Rent require Alt Currency Death Certificates
- House storage chest items capacity has been INCREASED from (26) to (42)
- House storage chest pack holding capacity has been INCREASED from (1) to (6)
- Legendary Seed of Mornings adjusted
- Massive Mana Charges can be sold
- Orb of the Ironsea adjusted
- Prismatic Taper INCREASED from (**50**) tapers to (**100**) tapers
- Rare Crystals are dispelled when you engage in combat with a player NOT in your monarchy
- Rare drop rate has been DECREASED from the retail default value of (.04) to (.02)
- Server "attempts" to block VPN connections
- Server utilizes additional PVP Damage Modifiers
- Server utilizes additional enhanced death item drop calculations on PK deaths ranked or not
- Soul Bound Staff adjusted
- Stipend timer reduced to **(20) hours**
- The first (420) new accounts created on the server will be flagged as ToD pre-order and receive the ToD pre-order item "Asheron's Benediction" upon character creations
- The Marketplace is an NPK zone to players Level =<30. Feel free to setup a trade bot there
- Training Master rewards **NO SHARE XP** in the Training Academy
Server Rules
- No Threats to other users of DDoS, Death, DoX, abuse, and other malicious threats. Don't act a fool.
- The concurrent connection max limit is a suggestion. It is IMPOSSIBLE for me to enforce it 100% via code or even via 24/7 supervision.
- No place for racism here. It will not be tolerated at all.
- No place for child abuse bullshit here. It will not be tolerated at all.
- Use of resembling the above-mentioned abusive language in General or Trade chat may prompt the server-side process The Oracle to auto-gag your character if necessary
- Name sniping is for losers, but it will not be acted upon unless my custom content is directly affected. I may make a name change exception at my digression.
- Cheating / Exploits will be dealt with dealt with appropriately.
- Reporting a game breaking issue to me will most likely result in a gratuitous reward
- I WILL BAN ACCOUNTS for using the Blink plugin in my custom areas.
- Last but not least, I will not tolerate fucking with me personally. I do not have time for the bullshit. You will be ejected, no fucks given.
Server Mission Statement
There will be very little to nearly ZERO administration and general bullshit.
I don't have any playable characters on the server. I don't have time to play on any server.
I am the ONLY in game +Admin and developer/tester both server side and content wise.
This is a solo project out of love for the game Asheron's Call.