Server Updates 09-2022

From A'Chard
Revision as of 05:08, 10 September 2022 by FX (talk | contribs)
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  1. PENDING : ADDED: CONTENT: Event added: Hallowed Chest Event
  2. PENDING : The MarketPlace is no loger a Permaload Landblock. There is no longer a need for this.
  3. PENDING : Heavily Damaged Sonic Screwdriver can now be used on Major Chest of Violence
  4. PENDING : Heavily Damaged Sonic Screwdriver can now be used on Minor Chest of Violence
  5. PENDING : Fixed Typo On Precious Ring
  6. PENDING : Gave Precious a heartbeat so it will use mana

  • 09-04-2022: UPDATED: CONTENT: Gem of Uber Mules use level requirements lower to level 99+
  • 09-04-2022: UPDATED: SERVER: The default Log4Net configuration file is now being used to see if it helps the console overloads
  • 09-04-2022: UPDATED: CONTENT: Experience given from noob item Ember of Darktide turn-in no longer shares via fellowship
  • 09-04-2022: UPDATED: SERVER: Server PK Kill Global now pull the dungeon name if available
  • 09-04-2022: UPDATED: SERVER: Character RANK is correctly being calculated within Login Stats
  • 09-04-2022: UPDATED: SERVER: Kills in the Town network will now log as Town Network instead of Night Club
  • 09-04-2022: UPDATED: SERVER: Updated Kills to Discord to include rankings, friends, targets and location of kill
  • 09-04-2022: UPDATED: SERVER: Server Updated post-kill stats to include updated RANK after a ranked kill
  • 09-04-2022: UPDATED: SERVER: Server code Updated to improve Vitae Messages on PK Kills

Server Updates 09-2022