Shard3d PK Death and Corpse Changes
Below are changes in PK Death penalties from EOR
Conditions of the below rewards/losses
- The PK kill/death must be ranked
- vitae_penalty_max INCREASED from 40% to 80%
- Experience for each 1% still descends because of being hard-coded into the client.
- Player Vitals are still affected more as Vitae increases over 40%
Death Item and Drops
- Max possible items drop INCREASED from (32)+* to
- first roll 50% drop wielded item for +1 DI
add % if Vitae to chance
- second roll 1% drop wielded item for +1 DI
add % if Vitae to chance
- Wielded Drop Factor(WDF)
- ALL players will have a BASE WDF of 10%
- each point of player vitae add to the WDF %
- players with a streak add the streak #% to the WDF when they kill someone
- if the killed has vitae that gets added to the chance
- If the killed had vitae, there is an additional roll for the vitae % to drop a second Wielded item
- If a player with a streak of 4 gets killed its also applied to them as well
- so there is a 14% chance they drop someone they have been whoring from the last 4 kills
Luminance Penalties
- PK deaths over level 200 may result in a loss of unspent Luminance
- The Luminance lost is transferred directly to the killer
- At the time of the PK death dice are rolled to determine between 25% and 75% of unspent Luminance that will be transferred