Shard3d PK Death and Corpse Changes
Below are changes in PK Death penalties from EOR
Conditions of the below rewards/losses
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Luminance Penalties
- Ranked PK deaths the result of a percentage of unspent Luminance
- The amount of Luminance lost is transferred directly to the killer
- At the time of the PK death, dice are rolled to determine between 25% and 75% of unspent Luminance that will be transferred
- vitae_penalty_max INCREASED from 40% to 80%
- Experience for each 1% still descends because of being hard-coded into the client.
- Player Vitals and Skills both are increasingly affected as Vitae increases over 40%
Death Item Drops
Level 1 - Level 35
- No changes have been made to EOR dynamics
Level 35- Level 149
- The MAX items that can be dropped has been INCREASED from (13-14) to (14-15) items per PK death
- The item's dropped calculation has been INCREASED by (1) item per level
Level 150 - Level 199
- The MAX items that can be dropped has been INCREASED from (13-14) to (15-16) items per PK death
- The item's dropped calculation has been INCREASED by (2) items per level
Level 200 - Level 249
- The MAX items that can be dropped has been INCREASED from (13-14) to (17-18) items per PK death
- The item's dropped calculation has been INCREASED by (4) items per level
Level 250 - Level 274
- The MAX items that can be dropped has been INCREASED from (13-14) to (19-20) items per PK death
- The item's dropped calculation has been INCREASED by (6) items per level
Level 275+
- The MAX items that can be dropped has been INCREASED from (13-14) to (20-21) items per PK death
- The item's dropped calculation has been INCREASED by (7) items per level